I haven't update this blog for a while but the Kölner Lichter is something I would really love to share with you.
For the 10th year, Kölner Lichter, a fireworks festival accompanied by music took place in now my current home - Cologne, Germany. Along the river Rhine, half of Cologne and visiters from other German cities and the rest of the world gathered to have a cold beer and wait for the main show to start. A normal of 5 minutes walk from the station to the point I was that night took me almost 30 minute. Kölner Lichter is one of the most loved celebration in Köln, probably just behind the Karneval and ahead of the Gay Olympics.

This picture is not my own. I wish I had a good enough camera to capture the magical moments.

A visiting friend told me during the show, "This is like a theme park, except it is a theme park called Cologne." I couldn't agree more. Although I have never been to Disney, I guess Disney probably offer a feeling similar to this. Expect the fact that, we, the viewers, mostly live in this city, it's our home, we are emotionally attached to this place. Looking at the Dom (Cologne Cathedral)-shaped little firework, slowing pulled up into the sky by colourful balloons, I felt the love locals have for this city.

It was magical, it was romantic. With the little help of the song "What a Wonderful World"  and a French song by Edith Piaf in the background, I couldn't help thinking how wonderful life is and how lucky I am enjoying this. At that moment, I also thought if someone I love would have proposed at that very moment, I would have said Yes.
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